Monday, April 26, 2010

Does viral cheating count?

I am being constantly ridiculed for my extraneous over use of the phrase, 'back in the day'. It has, in essence, become a prefix or opener for the majority of my ramblings.

However, never has it had a more suitable outing than now, because 'back in the day' before computers, social networking and mobile phones where thrust upon us having an affair took more strategic planning and covert dedication than an MP's attempt to claim expenses.

Society is awash with extra-marital outlets. From websites targeted specifically to accommodate cheating to a culture that endorses a dependence on mobile phones to tweet, update status and generally exchange meaningless one syllabus messages, the world is indeed a 'virtual infidelity minefield'

I always used to look upon cheating as a physical act needing the actual presence of two people. However in a culture of information overload where our need for a 'technology fix' is ever growing this is no longer the case.

Some couples have a complete blanket ban on any kind of flirting while others see it as harmless fun. However when does it stop being innocent fun and move to something more sinister where there is a real risk of people getting hurt? We only have to look in our newspapers and see the despondent faces of some of the celebrities whose partners where indulging in a bit of virtual flirting to see that it can indeed be hurtful.

Does it really count as cheating though? Is indulging in a spot of textual intercourse, or having a facebook flirt with someone as bad as jumping into bed with them?

If you are answering with a resounding no then ask yourself you panic if you leave your phone unattended when your other half is about or has your so called 'innocent' facebook flirting moved to private messaging?

Your reaction to these questions will let you know if viral cheating counts!