Thursday, May 6, 2010

1 is the loneliest number

As I threw myself back on the bed, moist with sweat, tingling from head to toe I looked at it and couldn’t believe it was still standing, still wanting more! My back ached and my hands where throbbing from exploring new crevices and previously uncharted territory, yet the feeling of extreme jubilation and euphoria could not be described.

It looked like it could take more, be straddled one last time but I wasn’t sure if I could take much more...................................................

After all I had just spent 4 hours erecting a flat pack TV unit and subsequently hooking up my DVD player and proudly securing it a place on top of the fore mentioned work of art. To have it collapse due to overloading would be more that I could bear at this point. (But then you had all guessed that already from the opening paragraph)

Yes that’s right, moi, of the female origin had obtained her very own personal set of screwdrivers and completed her very first piece of DIY in her newly acquired home and boy did I feel chuffed!

My head was buzzing with empowering thoughts such as, ‘I don’t need no man to pay my rent or build me furniture!’ In fact with the right strength of AA batteries and a little gift from Miss Summers herself I didn’t really have much need for a man at all. And so I set about my self-sufficient life happy in the knowledge that I did not, in any sense NEED a man... for anything.

Then disaster struck, I got the kick-ass flu to end all flu’s!!! I am talking high temperature delusions, a runny nose of Olympic standards and of course the obligatory dose of self-pity. Now don’t get me wrong my ever loyal army of friends where immediately on hand to run to the chemist, make hot drinks and replenish tissue supplies. However it just seemed like something was missing and I couldn’t figure out what, after all I had everything I could possibly NEED.

It suddenly dawned on me that in my quest for a happy life I had only focused on what I needed to merely make my life function as opposed to what I wanted and what in turn would enhance my life. If truth be told what I wanted was a man...yes I said it. I wanted a brand new shiny one of my very own, not to put in the draw with my newly acquired tools but one to lay there in my flu-soaked sheets with me and cuddle. One to tell me that even thought I looked like something out of a Freddie Kruger remake I was still the most beautiful girl in the world to him. This was not some cold and flu remedy straight off the shelf that I NEEDED to get better, no it was what I wanted in order to feel better.

Deep down we all want that plus 1 to be there to hold our hands. It doesn’t mean that we need them so we won’t fall down it just means the walk feels better with them next to us.

1 can work on its own but it can be the loneliest number and we all know that 1 plus 1 makes for something bigger, stronger and better, after all it’s simple math!


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